
I graduated from Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine in 1998. Since medical education and sharing knowledge is a passion for me, I chose Ankara Medical Faculty Anatomy department in the first TUS I attended and became an anatomy specialist in 2002. Since 2003, I have carried out academic studies at various universities at home and abroad, and received the title of associate professor in 2009 and professor in 2014. I gave undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses in anatomy at the faculties of Medicine and Dentistry, FTR and Schools of Health Sciences. During this period, many of my articles were published in national and international scientific journals.


I graduated from Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine in 1998. Since medical education and sharing knowledge is a passion for me, I chose Ankara Medical Faculty Anatomy department in the first TUS I attended and became an anatomy specialist in 2002. Since 2003, I have carried out academic studies at various universities at home and abroad, and received the title of associate professor in 2009 and professor in 2014. I gave undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses in anatomy at the faculties of Medicine and Dentistry, FTR and Schools of Health Sciences. During this period, many of my articles were published in national and international scientific journals.

In 2003, when I started teaching, upon the offers I received, I started giving anatomy lessons at TUS preparatory schools on weekends. In this context, I gave TUS and DUS anatomy courses to more than 25,000 medical and dentistry students and graduates in 22 different cities, especially Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, and from Edirne to Van. I have written more than 10 anatomy topic and question books, the most famous of which is “Infotus SMT Anatomy” (7 editions, 40,000 copies). Among my students, I am known as “SMT”, which stands for the initials of my name.


Smtanatomi Kitap


January 29, 2023

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